Thursday, May 31, 2007

FSR Podcast #4 - June 2007

FSR Podcast #4 - June 2007. playlist: r. stevie moore - nicotine need; iot - daddaadda; alfred bizarro to be exactly - curious humming sound (anal meth pt. 3); viraeson - untitled (c. 1998); minnow - stupid minnow dance; stapple - drumdrone; thraft king - the struggle.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

FSR Podcast #3 - May 2007

FSR Podcast #3 - May 2007. playlist: long hair - "untitled" (unreleased); viraeson - "the in" (unreleased); the research magnificent - "pj harvey" (unreleased); [talkover music: uselessdentalflossboogielovejug - "iontercourse"]; a very clever robot - "song for/from feldmano"; act of god - "an important message from John F. Kennedy"; waffle - "asterisk asterisk" (unreleased); [talkover music: uselessdentalflossboogielovejug - "iontercourse"]; perfusely - "while we're burning" (excerpts); north-without-end - "IV".